28 October 2006

Step Away from the Cone.

I found this on a boarded up building on the London Road in Brighton. I guessed it was aimed a drunk people who decide to pick up and carry traffic cones whilst on the way home. - and hopefully make them laugh. Brighton. UK.

23 October 2006

Steve McQueen.

Brighton. UK.

Revamp Fancy Dress.

Brighton. UK.

Bruce Lee frame.

Brighton. UK.

Spiral Sticker.

Brighton. UK.


Brighton. UK.


Brighton. UK.

That's Wow for Now.

Brighton. UK.

Close up of Mosan Bob.

Close up of street art by Mosan. Brighton. UK

Mosan Bob.

Street Art by Mosan. Brighton. UK.

09 October 2006

Broken Beats

Sounds like my kind of music shop. Brighton. UK.

05 October 2006

The Boardroom.

Brighton. UK.


Brighton. UK.

The Astoria.

It's a shame that such a building is left to rot. I'd love to live in somewhere like this. Brighton. UK.

04 October 2006

The Old Pier.

I love this old structure. I think it is beautiful. It will be a real shame when they get rid of it totally. To me it is an integral part of of the city. Brighton. UK.

01 October 2006

The Odeon.

Brighton. UK.

Where's Wally.

Oxford. UK.


Oxford. UK.

Please Nurse.

Derby. UK.